Brom Island

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Revision as of 22:39, 2 March 2014 by Williammck (talk | contribs)
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Brom Island
Server PvE
Map revision 3
Coordinates -1600, -400
Lead Waterslide, WickedCoolSteve, SacJester
Contributors f_fonseca, SlashThought, GidbinN, TruthNocturne, and others
Started 2011-05-20

About Brom Island

Brom Island is the direct successor to Brom Harbor. It is a relatively dense island city with high building standards and a welcoming and friendly community. Constructed entirely from scratch on top of a fetid and expansive swamp, Brom Island is now a picturesque grass covered landscape with gently rolling hills and luxurious white sand beaches. Beneath the well maintained and organized roads lies a twisting labyrinth of catacombs and sewers. Where will you live? Amongst the magnificent brick and glass monuments on the surface, or deep within the earth amongst the scum and villainy of the underworld? Either way, you'll find a home in Brom.

Thinking About Building?

Talk to Waterslide,thelethalkind, WickedCoolSteve, or SacJester.

Building Code

to be finished

Rail System

There is a direct rail link to Woodville.

Screenshots of Brom Island Progress