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'''Q) Is there a map/cartograph I can view to see my build?<br>'''
'''Q) Is there a map/cartograph I can view to see my build?<br>'''
A) Yes! http://nerd.nu/maps/pve/
A) Yes! http://nerd.nu/maps/pve/
'''Q) Where can I build?<br>'''
A) Anywhere that is open! But please make sure that before building in or near a town or city, consult a citizen or mayor of that city about building.


Revision as of 15:16, 28 June 2012


Q) What are the rules?
A) A full list of all rules for each server can be found on the rules page.

Q) What hardware are the servers hosted on?
A) See the Server page for details.

Q) Who are the people that moderate the server?
A) A full list can be found on the Staff page.

Q) What plugins do you use?
A) We use a range of different plugins for each server. Type "/pl" when on a server to see the list of plugins we use for NerdBukkit, a custom implementation of the Bukkit server wrapper.

Q) What commands can I use?
A) A list can be found on the User commands page

Q) How can I help?
A) Be a good player! We're trying to foster a community here, one where we want everybody to feel welcome! Avoid causing trouble and you'll fit right in!

Q) Where can I find updates about the server and community?
A) There are a few places. Most discussion is now being directed to our subreddit, where you can find news, updates and policy discussion. We have a forum too, where our mod chat, server issues, and ban appeals are currently located.

Q) Do you host a Mumble/Ventrilo/Teamspeak server?
A) We sure do! Connect with Mumble using the details found on the Mumble page.

Q) Can I download map backups?
A) Yes! Map backups are typically posted after a map revision ends.

Q) Is it possible to check how long I spend on the servers?
A) The top 1000 users in terms of time can be found here.

Q) How/can I become a moderator?
A) Moderators are nominated by current Staff, before a moderator-only voting process begins with Head Admins making the final decision. The best way to get nominated is to be kind, respectful, helpful and active; not by asking.

Q) A server is down, what should I do?
A) Email outage@nerd.nu. Make sure you include the name of the server which is down.


Recommended read: Creative Quick-start Guide.

Q) What is this server all about?
A) Building! Take a look at some previous creations!

Q) How can I connect to this server?
A) Put c.nerd.nu into the IP box on the Multiplayer menu

Q) How/can I spawn items?
A) Yes! Type /i [item ID or name] to spawn a stack of the item. For example /i 20 or /i glass. Alternatively you can pick items out of your creative mode inventory.

Q) Can/how do I teleport?
A) Type /tp [player name] to teleport to them! Some players may have teleportation to them disabled, please respect their privacy in that case.

Q) How do I disable/re enable others ability to teleport to me?
A) Type /tptoggle

Q) Where can I build?
A) You are free to build anywhere that is open but please be respectful of other player's builds. Do not build on top of them or too close without their permission. The maps are huge so spread out. None of the nerd.nu servers have ranks or 'staging areas' for new users, so everyone who joins is of equal rank and can build immediately!

Q) What is the best way to quickly see points of interest?
A) Warping! Type /warp in game to view a full list of all available warps, and then type /warp [warpname] to warp there.

Q) Is there a map/cartograph I can view to see my build?
A) Yes! http://nerd.nu/maps/creative/

Q) Why are certain items banned?
A) As with most banned items on our servers, they can cause lag in one form or another. Water, Lava, Ice, Fire and Bonemeal can be placed for you by a mod, just use /modreq. You can see a full list of banned items on the rules page under Creative rules.

Q) How do I fly?
A) We use the default flying built into creative mode as of 1.8. That means you double tap jump to fly and ascend, and sneak to descend.


Recommended read: C45y's Introduction to Survival

Q) How can I connect to this server?
A) Put s.nerd.nu into the IP box on the Multiplayer menu

Q) Is PVP allowed?
A) Not only is it allowed, it's actively encouraged! The only area on the map with PVP disabled is Spawn.


Q) What is this server all about?
A) Surviving! The main thing that seperates this server from the Survival server is the lack of PVP

Q) How can I connect to this server?
A) Put p.nerd.nu into the IP box on the Multiplayer menu

Q) Is there a map/cartograph I can view to see my build?
A) Yes! http://nerd.nu/maps/pve/

Q) Where can I build?
A) Anywhere that is open! But please make sure that before building in or near a town or city, consult a citizen or mayor of that city about building.