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Authority PvE Admin

Early-summer 2011, thrawn21 was a nomad searching for the unpossible: a pure vanilla, non whitelist server minus the assholes. After watching countless treasures stolen and bases burnt to the ground, she finally stumbled on Blown away by the combination of floating islands and epic builds that was PvE r4, thrawn spent most of the revision wandering around the map, generally understanding fuck all. She's gotten a bit better since then.

Thrawn21 taught me how to tell different kinds of butterfly apart - Ooer

Things and Stuff

  • PvE r4 - A tiny hut in the far south
  • PvE r5 - With spacepirate1941, the southern npc village town of Pico
  • Survival r10 - Renovated an npc village on the eastern border
  • PvE r6 - Still with spacepirate, the northern hub city of Pico
  • PvE r8 - Again mayored the town of Pico